How many points do i need?

6 points total

Must have at least 3 points from meetings unless you have submitted excuses to the secretary and been excused from the meetings

Here is an example of how to get your points:

  • 3 Meeting points (We have 4 meetings per semester)

  • 2 Points from SNA- Sponsored Volunteer activities or events 

  • 1 Outside activity point volunteering at a non-sna event, OR attend all meetings for the semester

points on garnet gate:

  • Garnet Gate is for any volunteering you do on your own time- not affiliated with SNA

  • You must submit two hours of service to receive a point

  • This is not for fostering/percent nights it is for active volunteering 

  • You can receive a maximum of one point through Garnet Gate 


What if iā€™m absent?

Any points missed from meetings that you have been excused from need to be made up with SNA event points

  • If you have to miss all 4 meetings, you would need to get all 6 points from SNA events, or you could get 5 points from SNA events and 1 point from Garnet Gate

Excused absences include:

  • Class conflicts

  • Clinical Rotations

  • Absences due to extenuating circumstances will be assessed on a case by case basis!