Upload Pictures for an additional point!!
Uploading pictures for points
Uploading 10 pictures = 1 point
Not 10 of the same thing
Max of 1 point from pictures per semester
Pictures must be:
From SNA/CON/USC event or wearing CON/SNA merch
Ex: Football games/sportings events, CON card decorating, semis/formals, stethoscope ceremony, FDOC/LDOC, SNA conventions, volunteering
Mostly nursing people
Don’t submit pictures that YOU would not post :)
Submitting pictures for things like Women in Sports Day, Sororities in SNA, and other specified posts counts towards your 10 pictures!
Does not include pictures we take at events
Upload your pictures into SNA Pictures in the Spring 2024 semester with the format:
“First and last name - 10 pictures”
Upload your pictures into SNA Pictures in the correct semester and then fill out this form to track your points!
Filling out the form IS REQUIRED. We will not count the pictures you submit if you do not fill out the form.